Last updated: September 11, 2022
These free websites and apps bring the arts alive for kids and older students. Spark your students’ imagination and creativity with interactive projects and lessons in drawing, painting, sculpture, and art appreciation. Kids can create music, write plays and perform them. Learn photography, movie making, or dance. For teachers, many of the sites and apps include classroom activities and lesson plan ideas.
- Art Appreciation (17)
- Dance (2)
- Film & Video (8)
- Music (26)
- Photography (9)
- Studio Arts (14)
- Theatre (12)
Recently Added Arts Websites & Apps

CultureStreet Art
Get inspired by the artists and techniques illustrated on Culture Street, designed for kids ages 9-11. View video workshops on textile printing, digital photography, pottery, drawing, sculpture, jewelry and screen printing. Learn from the examples of a broad range of ...

Culture Street Film
These video workshops, designed for kids ages 9-11, provide instruction in film making topics of location, props, storyboarding, software, editing, titles, and sharing. Other topics include film animation, use of the green screen and cut out animation. There are also ...

Artsonia Student Art Museum
Billing itself as "the largest student art gallery on the web," Artsonia provides inspiration and recognition to K-12 students for their artwork. This online museum houses millions of works submitted by teachers of their students' pieces. You can browse the ...

Classics for Kids
Classics for Kids contains a wealth of music, musical games, lessons, and activities on composers and musicians from Baroque composers of the 1600s, such as Purcell, to Modern composers, such as Copeland and Bernstein. There are brief biographies of composers, ...

Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History
This interactive timeline of art history covers art periods from prehistory to the present from around the world. There are more than 900 essays accompanying the artwork to provide context of historic events, cultures, and how diverse civilizations encountered each ...

Theta Music Trainer
From site: Ear training develops and ties together all the skills that allow musicians to play, improvise and compose music by ear. It is the key to becoming not just good, but great. The ear training games on Theta Music ...

Origami Resource Center
From site: This origami resource center provides information about the art of paper folding. We provide links to diagrams, databases, book reviews, and ways to be a part of the paper folding community. In Japanese, the word “ori” means “to ...

National Jukebox
From site: The Library of Congress presents the National Jukebox, which makes historical sound recordings available to the public free of charge. The Jukebox includes recordings from the extraordinary collections of the Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual ...

Teoria Music Theory Web
Teoria provides tutorials and exercises on music theory that help to train your ear. Major concepts include the clef, intervals, chords, harmonic functions, key signatures, scales, rhythm and jazz. In addition, there are articles on music analysis and a reference ...

Music and the Brain
Learn how music affects our neurosystems, physical and mental health from these podcasts posted on the Library of Congress website. These podcasts include conversations with physicians, scientists, scholars, composers, performers, psychologists and other professionals into their ground-breaking work. They include ...

POV Filmmakers
POV documentaries with a point of view are a resource for teachers and students. They include free video clips of documentaries and lesson plans. Be sure to check out the Resources section. You will find the latest buzz on interactive ...

From the Top at Carnegie Hall
From site: America's most extraordinary young musicians aged 8 to 18 will be showcased this spring on PBS when From the Top at Carnegie Hall, returns for its second season on May 10 (check local listings). Based on the popular NPR ...

Artwork by Teens
Teen Ink has a website with artwork created by teens. You can view and submit works in charcoal, computer graphics, oil paintings, pastels, pen & ink, photographs, photo illustrations, sculptures, watercolors, woodcuts, and others ...