TTV Teacher Training Videos

Stannard’s TTV from the United Kingdom offers free video instructions on how to use a variety of technological tools in the classroom.  The videos cover a diverse array of topics, such as the use of Smartboards, Survey Monkey, Edmodo, Jinga, iTunes and Twitter.  T

here are also videos about tools useful for teaching and learning English and other languages.  Each video includes detailed instructions on the tool’s key features, how to navigate its site, and examples of how to use it in your classroom.


Universal Design for Learning UDL

This site provides guidelines for UDL Version 2. These guidelines provide teachers and curriculum developers with tools to create lessons that reduce barriers to meet the needs of the diverse learners in their classrooms.  It discusses the primary principles guiding UDL, as well as examples and resources for differentiated instruction.

There is also a UDL Training Toolkit for instructors who wish to conduct UDL workshops.  And there are two 4-6 hour online training modules to introduce teachers and teacher-candidates to the principles of UDL and UDL lesson developments.

Edublogs Blog Tutorials for Teachers

Take EduBlog’s 30-day Teacher Challenge, and learn how to use blogs in your classroom.  Each day, there are activities for beginning and advanced bloggers that guide you through the basics of setting up a blog, and ending with how to promote your blog. As of this writing, there are four challenges:

  1. Personal Blogging
  2. Blogging with Students
  3. Free Web Tools
  4. Building a PLN (Personal Learning Network)

Jigsaw Classroom

Elliot Aronson developed the jigsaw cooperative learning technique, and this site provides teachers guidance for implementing it in their classrooms. The guidance includes 10-step-process for using the technique, tips, potential problem areas and how to avoid them, and background information with case studies.

The jigsaw classroom is a cooperative learning technique with a three-decade track record of successfully reducing conflict and increasing positive educational outcomes. Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, each piece–each student’s part–is essential for the completion and full understanding of the final product. If each student’s part is essential, then each student is essential; and that is precisely what makes this strategy so effective.

Gallery of Teaching and Learning

This collection from the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in K-12 Education (CASTL K-12) presents 15 case studies of K-12 teachers who investigated their teaching using a scholarly method. The cases include multimedia projects from nine secondary school and six elementary school teachers. Each teacher presents a unique perspective and format for sharing the complex work of teaching.
