Smithsonian’s History Explorer offers several collections on Native American history, mainly focused on the Plains Indians. Materials include lessons and activities, with related resources from the museum.
American Indians of the Pacific Northwest
From site:
This digital collection integrates over 2,300 photographs and 7,700 pages of text relating to the American Indians in two cultural areas of the Pacific Northwest, the Northwest Coast and Plateau. These resources illustrate many aspects of life and work, including housing, clothing, crafts, transportation, education, and employment. The materials are drawn from the extensive collections of the University of Washington Libraries, the Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture (formerly the Cheney Cowles Museum/Eastern Washington State Historical Society), and the Museum of History and Industry in Seattle.
Circle of Stories
From site:
Circle of Stories uses documentary film, photography, artwork and music to honor and explore Native American storytelling…
Welcome to the CIRCLE OF STORIES lesson plans. These lessons will allow students to examine the complex and rich oral tradition of Native American storytelling, create their own stories to share, explore indigenous and Native American cultures and the issues which face them today, and research and explore their own cultural heritage by recording their unique family stories and heritage.
Native Americans/First People
Mrs. Donn provides links to information by tribe and by region. These include activities, Powerpoint presentations and clipart. Great research site for elementary age children.