Hubble Space Telescope

From site:  Named after the trailblazing astronomer Edwin P. Hubble (1889-1953), the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a large, space-based observatory which has revolutionized astronomy by providing unprecedented deep and clear views of the Universe, ranging from our own solar system to extremely remote fledgling galaxies forming not long after the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago.


From site:  Take an interactive tour of NASA’s first five decades of exploration, featuring virtual pavilions, clickable models and exhibits, video galleries, astronauts, presidents, and a robot guide named Automa…

Scientists are investigating perchlorate salts detected on Mars. “Finding perchlorates is neither good nor bad for life, but it does make us reassess how we think about life on Mars,” said scientist Michael Hecht…

Learn about the Atlantis astronauts with crew journals, biographies, interview transcripts and imagery from crew training and past Hubble servicing missions.

Astronomy Facts

Delve into facts about the universe with a series of articles on Comets and Asteroids, Cosmology, Deep Space, Exploration, Observations, Solar and Solar System.  Articles are written by educators and experts in each field.


From site:  So you’re asking, what is ASTRONOMY? Well… Here’s our best definition. Astronomy is the study of SPACE and the changes that take place in and around all objects moving through space. It’s more than just Earth and our Solar System. The study of astronomy covers every planet, object, and bit of energy flowing through the universe.

So where did the word cosmos come from? It’s actually a Greek word that describes an orderly and interconnected universe. Astronomy is the study of that universe and as you learn more, you will discover how each part is connected to the others.

But where do you start? There are moons, planets, stars, systems, and galaxies. We’ll start with the big picture and a general overview of the universe. Go take a look!

Mars Exploration Rover Mission

From site:  The Mars Exploration Program is a science-driven program that seeks to understand whether Mars was, is, or can be, a habitable world. To find out, we need to understand how geologic, climatic, and other processes have worked to shape Mars and its environment over time, as well as how they interact today. note:  For kids, the site includes interactive games and activities in the Mars for Kids section.  For teachers, there are classroom activities.  Be sure to check out MarsQuest Online.
