Place Value

Choose from several interactive drills, games and videos to help you learn more about and practice decimal place values.  Additional premium features are available for a fee.

Decimals in Space

From site:  Decimals in Space is an Asteriods style video game with a twist: you must use your knowledge of decimal place value to earn points. Each rock has a number on it and you get points for shooting the rocks based on their number.

Decimal Squares Interactive Games

This set of eight interactive games includes: Beat the Clock, Decimal Squares Blackjack, Decimal Darts, Laser Beams, Place Value Strategy, Decimal Speedway, and Rope Tug. Each game emphasizes different decimal skills: calculating decimals from shaded blocks, adding, subtracting, comparing, decimal equivalents, rounding, and place value.

The author’s home website, Decimal Squares ® has links for teachers on research in teaching decimals, references, and his teaching program.

E-Labs Equivalent Fractions, Decimals, and Mixed Numbers

Match the correct fraction to its equivalent decimal before the time is up and the bandit gets you!  You can pick the speed of the game.  You can also choose to emphasize fractions, decimals, or both.  There is also a recording sheet that can be printed for students to record their equivalencies. Decimals

Funbrain has more than 40 interactive games to help students practice their decimal skills.  These activities include adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals.  You can select games of varying difficulty up to 4 decimal places.  There are also place value and rounding activities up to 7 decimal places.

On website, type “decimal” in Keyword box to see all of the game options. Best suited to grades 5-8.
