View textbook style lessons as well as video examples from the Geometry section. Videos include the laws of sines and cosines and trigonometric functions, identities and ratios.
Trigonometry I
From site: This page is devoted to the learning of Trigonometry I (basic trigonometry). It is part of the Secondary 4 (Grade 10) math curriculum where I teach, but this material is required knowledge in secondary school Math no matter where you study.
High School Precalculus
These free downloadable demonstrations give students a graphic representation of the mathematical calculations they are learning. There are 90 demonstrations from composing functions using dynagraphs to roots of multiple numbers, from vector addition in a plane to continuous exponential growth.
High School Calculus and Analytic Geometry
These downloadable demonstrations show students how to graphically display a variety of calculus formulas. From an integral to the velocity of a falling object, from parabolic functions to conic sections, there are more than 200 demonstrations students can manipulate to help them better understand what these calculations represent.
Trigonometry Realms
This is an introductory trigonometry unit that explores the definitions and graphs of trig functions.