Dance Mat Typing – Keyboard Skills for Kids

Dance Mat Typing is an introduction to touch typing for children aged 7 – 11 years. Instruction and practice are divided into 12 stages. Begin at Level 1 and build up your skills gradually through to Level 12.

This site, originally from BBC Schools, is an excellent introduction to typing skills. The full-screen version is ad-free.

You may need a Flash emulator on your browser, such as Ruffle, to make it work properly.

GCF LearnFree Computer Training

GCF LearnFree offers several introductory tutorials on computers and computer software. The tutorials include illustrated text and videos. At the end of the lessons, there’s a short interactive quiz. And for teachers, there are guides for each of the tutorials. Registration is required to track your progress.

Currently available tutorials include computer hardware, operating systems, Microsoft Office, the Internet, and some basic apps used on mobile devices.

The lessons are well written and illustrated. They’re kept up to date. And the site is ad free and has received numerous awards.

Keyboard: Goodtyping

From site: 

  • Learn how to type correctly in just a few hours using all your fingers.
  • You will soon be typing faster than you ever imagined.
  • 27 guided lessons to learn step-by-step from the beginning.
  • Choose between 18 different keyboard layouts to learn
  • Web-based course. No downloads required.

Free registration is required to take the course.
