Visuwords Graphical Dictionary

Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts with this interactive lexicon. It produces bubble diagrams to help students visualize how a word relates to many other words. The words reside in different colored bubbles to indicate their parts of speech – nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. The lines between words are also color coded to show relationships, such as “member of”, “opposite”, “same as”, etc.

Enter words into the search box to look them up or double-click a node to expand the tree. Click and drag the background to pan around and use the mouse wheel to zoom. Hover over nodes to see the definition and click and drag individual nodes to move them around to help clarify connections.

Census Bureau

The Census Bureau serves as the leading source of quality data about the nation’s people and economy.  Some of the types of data you can see include population, household income, poverty, health insurance, genealogy, business and industry indicators, including foreign trade, number and types of businesses.  For kids and teachers there are lessons and videos on taking the census, and using census statistics in the classroom.

Wolfram Alpha

Enter your question, word, or calculation, and WolframAlpha computes an answer. This unique encyclopedia encompasses all subjects, from math and science calculations and units of measure to famous works of art, sports, and games. You can ask about essentially any kind of systematic factual knowledge.

Note that step-by-step solutions to problems involving math requires a fee-based pro membership.

Citation Machine – Free Alternatives

There are some far better options available.  We can no longer recommend Citation Machine as a good bibliography maker for K-12 students.  The free version is so ad-bloated as to be unusable.

If you’re using one of the two most popular word processors to write your paper, then it already has a built-in citation tool for MLA, APA and Chicago formats.  Microsoft 365 Word and Google Docs both have this citation feature.

If you’re writing your paper with another word processor, check out ZoteroBib.  It’s free.  There are no ads.  It does not require you to register or sign in to use it.  It generates citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, and many more formats.  You can choose from more than 30 types of sources.  After you input the source info, you simply copy and paste the citation(s) into your bibliography.

Stop pulling your hair out when compiling bibliographies for your school papers.  Create a headache-free bibliography with Citation Machine.  This tool is designed to assist high school and college students and their teachers to properly reference sources for research papers.  This citation generator creates citations formatted for MLA, APA, and Chicago.

New York Public Library Digital Collections

The NYPL has a digital collections of more than 700,000 images and recordings. The collection includes illustrated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints, photographs and streaming videos. K-12 students and teachers can use these images in their lessons and reports at no cost for educational use.  Each digital item includes a helpful citation in MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian formats. The gallery is organized by subject area and collection type to make it easier for you to find relevant media.
