Career Assessment: The Career Key

From site: 

Choosing a career path doesn’t come easy, especially at your age. Whether you’re heading straight into the workforce or you’re entering college first, the Career Key™ helps you get an early handle on who you are, what you’re interested in, and what kind of career may be right for you.

Career Exploration

The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides information to students about jobs in 17 categories. They include math, science, law, managing money, nature, and computers, to name a few.

Middle and high school students can get facts about the jobs from the Occupational Outlook Handbook entry linked to each job. The site also has several videos about a variety of careers.

Note that not all of the careers listed require college degrees.

Engineer Girl

Find out more about engineering careers. Read profiles of women engineers. And figure out what classes to take in high school to pursue an engineering career. The National Academy of Engineering designed to site to bring national attention to the opportunity that engineering represents to all people at any age, but particularly to women and girls.
