Youth Entrepreneurship Academy – Free Curriculum for K-12 Teachers

The Youth Entrepreneurship Academy is a six-pronged extensive curriculum with lessons in foundational values, entrepreneurial mindset, economics, marketing, business finance, and applied principled entrepreneurship. YE Academy partners with businesses to provide funding to help schools implement this curriculum.

Each prong of instruction includes learning objectives, a SLANT Method instructional guide, slide presentation, printable posters and a suggested supply list. There are also excellent background resources and courses for teachers seeking knowledge.

Most notably, the principle costs for this curriculum will be the supplies needed for the lessons. YA Academy also serves as a conduit to connect teachers and schools to available funding from businesses.

Foundational Values

The course starts with eight core values that serve as the basis for all of the lessons to come.  Honesty and responsibility are consistent themes throughout the course.

Entrepreneurial Mindset

The 28 lessons in this section form the core of a business plan generated by the students.  They use a Business Model Canvas graphic organizer to accomplish this.  It compels the students to consider the economic feasibility of their business model as they build it.

Several games and activities in this section help the students get into the mindset of a budding business owner.


The economics lessons incorporate activities centered on ten economic principles.  Among these are The Four S’s – scarcity, self-interest, subjective value, and sunk cost.


The seven lessons and activities in this section include identifying a target market and demographics, branding, competitive advantage, customer focus and market research.

Business Finance

The emphasis of these modules is on calculating costs, pricing, profit and revenue, funding, and setting SMART goals.  A Math for Entrepreneurs reference provides the formulas used throughout the module.

Applied Principles of Entrepreneurship

The culmination of this course is preparation for Market Day.  Students pitch their business models to the teacher.  The teacher acts as a venture capitalist, funding those with a credible business model, and who appear to be able to execute it.  The student businesses that receive funding create a popup market at the school or in their community

My Observations

I found navigating the website to be a bit difficult.  The curriculum sections are not in the menu.  I had to return to the homepage each time i wanted to move to the next section.

The site provides well-conceived educational resources.  If YA Academy can connect you with funding to properly implement it, it’s a tremendous learning experience in entrepreneurship for high school students.

