Climate Kids

This is an excellent site for elementary students to learn about the climate and climate change.   Learn what climate change is, some factors that affect it,  and some facts about it.  Also learn some things you can do to help moderate the effects of climate change.

NASA provides several narrated videos of satellite images over time to illustrate how the impact of climate changes the earth’s surface, rivers, lakes and oceans.  From floods and droughts to receding glaciers and melting ice caps, these images provide a vivid picture of climate change.

The site also offers interactive games and hands-on activities.  For teachers, there are activity ideas and lessons on weather and climate change.

SkySci for Kids: Earth and Atmospheric Science Fun

Learn about all the stuff in the sky, like clouds, rainbows, rain, snow, sun and pollution.  Find out about severe weather, like thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes and blizzards.  Read stories from kids who’ve been in severe weather.  Try out some of the activities, and learn how to stay safe.  Then learn about climate, earth cycles, climate change, and climates from long ago.

This is an exceptional site for elementary students.  It has several interactive games to help kids learn weather concepts.  SkySci is also a very good weather research site for children in grades 3-5.

Interactive Weather Maker Games on SciJinks

Make it rain!  Or snow!  Or Hail!  Theses seven interactive games from NOAA help kids understand how weather phenomena work.  Elsewhere on the site, kids can learn about the atmosphere, storms, tides and oceans, water and ice, and how NOAA uses weather satellites to forecast the weather.   There’s also more than a dozen videos of weather events.

The Educators section has several classroom activities and content that align to the Next Generation Science Standards.

Why Files

From site:  Virtual science comes alive.  Make rainbows.  Control a tornado.  Play with lightening.  Make a snowflake.  Hit a home run.


From site:  The Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment 2 (VORTEX2) is the largest and most ambitious field experiment in history to explore tornadoes…

The VORTEX2 teams will be looking to understand how, when and why tornadoes form. Answers to these questions will give researchers a better understanding of tornadoes and should help increase warning time for those in the path of these deadly storms.

NSSL’s Severe Weather Primer
Questions and answers about severe weather, including thunderstorms, tornadoes, floods, hail, lighting, winter weather and damaging winds. note: Educational resources include NSSL’s Severe Weather Primer, Severe Weather Safety Page, NOAA Storm Spotters’ Guide, National Weather Service Online School for Weather, and a VORTEX2 Science Glossary.
